
Hate Crimes Summit

United for a Free Hate San Diego
A coalition of faith and community leaders

Hate Crimes Summit
“Even One is Too Many”

Thursday, October 1st, 2009
5:00 – 6:00p.m. Check-In
6:00 – 8:00p.m. Program

EL CAJON, CA 92020

Keynote Speaker James McElroy
Southern Poverty Law Center
There is no cost to attend this event or for parking.

Advanced registration is required.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Crystal with the Center for Social Advocacy at 619-444-5700 x310.
Or email us at

For more information about United for a Hate Free San Diego, please visit the following website:

• Border Angels • Center for Social Advocacy • City of San Diego Human Relation Commission • The First Church of the Brethren of San Diego • Church of Scientology of San Diego • Council on American-Islamic Relations, San Diego • The First Unitarian Universialist Church of San Diego

Alberto Bianez: Dreams and Prayers

Artist Reception
Oct 2, 2009 @ 7-9 pm
Feauting: The Red Warrior Drummers

Centro Cultural de la Raza
2004 Park Blvd. SD CA 92101

Albert Bianez
Sep 19 - Oct 23, 2009

Native of California

Born in San Fernando of New Mexico Albert’s heritage includes Apache Indian. Albert began painting at an early age and continues to paint today. With over 100 paintings Albert’s works brings personal thoughts, prayers and dreams. As a Native American singer and drummer, his artwork is an effort to visualize the sound that is made when men circle the drum and chant the traditional ancient songs. Albert uses his ability and training to expand his expression into stone carving and other forms of artwork, such as pipes and rattles used for prayer ceremonies.

City College Book Fair

Presentations, Culture Music Children
Lucha Libro
English Spanish Español

Sep 28 to October 3

Check the City College
Book Fair Calendar:

City College Book Fair

Recommendations for
Chicanas and Chicanos:

Sept. 28 - City College Room D121A/B
12:45-2 p.m. Michael Ornelas, The Sons of Guadalupe

Sept. 29 - City College Room D121A/B
12:45-2:10 p.m. Reyna Grande, Dancing with Butterflies

Oct. 1 - City College Room D121A/B
12:45-2:10 p.m. Residency with vocalist Perla Batalla, Grammy nominee

Oct. 2 - City College Saville Theatre
7-8 p.m. Ella deCastro Baron, Itchy Brown Girl Seeks Employment
8-9 p.m. Ana Castillo, The Guardians
9 p.m. Concert with Perla Batalla

Oct. 3 - City College Saville Theatre: Full day of authors
10 a.m. Gustavo Arellano, Orange County; ¡Ask a Mexican!
11 a.m. Rodolfo Acuña, lecture, “Chicano Studies: from Activism to Mainstream”

Oct. 3 - City College Saville Theatre
12 noon DJ Watson, Olga García Echeverría, Lucia Gbaya-Kanga, Michelle Sierra and other authors from the City Works Press anthology, Lavanderia: A Mixed Load of Women, Wash and Word
1 p.m. Barry Sanders, The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism

Oct. 3 - City College Saville Theatre
2 p.m. William Powers, lecture, “Write to Make Change”
3 p.m. Marilyn Chin, Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen

Oct. 3 - City College Saville Theatre
4 p.m. Laurel Corona, Until Our Last Breath
5 p.m. Willie Perdomo, Where a Nickel Costs a Dime, Emergency Money

Oct. 3 – C211 – En español—Readings in Spanish
10:45 a.m. Úrsula Tania, Aspuk, Aspuk, Colorin, Colorado -- Espectáculo de cuentos, mitos, y leyendas de las Californias, música por Jesse Vázquez ¨Chaks.¨ (3+)

Oct. 3 – C211 – En español—Readings in Spanish
1:00 p.m. José Lozano, Once Around the Block (Una Vuelta a la Manzana) (4-8)

Oct. 3 – C211 – En español—Readings in Spanish
2:30 p.m. P. J. Sáinz, Mica Chueca (12-20+)

Oct. 3 – College Room C211
4:00 p.m. P. J. Sáinz, Crónicas chúntaras. La música de la plebada.

Oct. 3 – Changed to D121A/B faculty dining room by cafeteria
10:00 a.m. Willie Perdomo, Visiting Langston (Level: 4-8 years old)
10:45 a.m. Roberta Labastida, My Ancestors’ Village (8-12)
11:30 a.m. Rick Halsey, Fire and Chaparral (12-adult)

Oct. 3— Children and Young Adults
Activity Room changed to south end of cafeteria 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Variety of activities for children, including face painting, writing and illustrating books, making lucha libre (freestyle wrestling) masks and more.

Learn about all these events:

City College Book Fair

500 Years of Opression and Resistance


Presentation by:

Stan Rodriguez

Santa Ysabel Reservation
Kumeyaay Community College Instructor

September 23 Wed.
11:15 12:30
Room D121a/b
San Diego City College

Sponsored by City College World Cultures and Chicano/a Studies

Maize Harvest: City College Urban Milpa

Sep 26, 1 pm

City College
Urban Milpa
(Next to Centre City
Continuing Education)

A second urban farm has been created at City College to grow maize, beans, squash, and other products following the “milpa” system—a Mesoamerican agricultural tradition. For more than 5,000 years societies of North and Central America have practiced milpa agriculture which creates a harmonious relationship between farmers and fields, carbohydrates and proteins, soil and animals, and humans and Mother Earth.

Students from the City College Chicano/a Studies, Biology and English Departments, supported and guided by the farmers of Seeds at City Urban Farm, prepared the soil and planted maize. Now, the corn is ready! You are invited to the harvest day: Sep 26, 1 pm, at the Milpa, next to Center City (Park Blvd & Russ Blvd, in front of City College).

More information: Enrique Davalos, (619) 388-3634

What's Happening on the Border???

"Immigration 'Reform': are things really getting much better?"

Monday Sept 21, 2009 7pm

Joyce Beers Community Center
1090 Vermont St, Hillcrest, 1 block north of University Ave, San Diego
(Ralph's Shopping Center, next to Trader Joe's)

Special guests:

Enrique Morones
David Schmidt

Enrique Morones, San Diego native and long time human rights activist will share stories about the realities along the border and what is happening with immigration reform today.

Enrique is the president and founder of BORDER ANGELS "saving migrant lives" ; LATINO ANTI DEFAMATION ALLIANCE "exposing racism, hate and hate groups"; Founding member of FRIENDS OF FRIENSHIP PARK" reopening the heart and soul of operation gatekeeper "MARCHA MIGRANTES "taking it to the streets" where he lead caravan back and forth from San Diego to DC and told president Obama, "we marched, we voted now its time to deliver immigration reform" .

David Schmidt, a great-grandchild of immigrants from Russia, has been involved in urban and rural indigenous communities in Mexico over the last decade, and has witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of lopsided trade policies and neoliberal economics on the poorest communities in the world.

David will present a critical view of the current discussion of "immigration reform", the changes that are on the table in immigration policy and enforcement, in light of the last reform (1986 Amnesty) and the recent history of enforcement on the border. He will consider the future of immigration and immigrants. Unless the US Government drastically increases the ability to legally immigrate to the US and drastically changes US trade policies like NAFTA which push massive migration, the fundamental problems facing immigrants will continue.

Friendship Park, at the border, is a unique venue of great historical significance to both Mexico and the United States, and has served as the centerpiece of California's Border Field State Park since its inauguration by then-First Lady Pat Nixon in 1971. Friends of Friendship Park have worked tirelessly to decriminalize the Border, restore Friendship Park & promote peaceful dialogue with our neighbors.

Across two years, grassroots leaders have built a broad coalition to save Friendship Park, the historic location overlooking the Pacific Ocean where people from San Diego and Tijuana have met for generations to visit with friends and family at the border fence

Having secured the support of California politicians at every level of office, leaders from this coalition are now negotiating with San Diego Border Patrol to restore public access to Friendship Park.

About Friendship Park & Border Angels (founded in 1986)

- donation requested -

Sponsored by Activist San Diego www.ActivistSanDiego.

March for California Future: No Budget Cuts

No budget cuts

Please join People United for Social Justice at a March for California’s Future

Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009
12:00 p.m. – Gather at Presidents Way and Park Blvd. and march to City College
1:00 p.m. – Rally at City College
1313 Park Blvd.

For more information, contact
Alicia: (626) 224-8189,
or Gustavo: (619) 948-0365,

We demand that California’s lawmakers:
• Fund quality education and health care
• Preserve life-saving services and income supports for children, seniors, people
with disabilities, working families, and the poor
• Close corporate loopholes in the state tax system
• Create a tax system where the wealthy pay their fair share

Endorsed by: California Partnership, California School Employees Association, International Socialist Organization, Latinos y Latinas en Acción, Plan of Action in a Changing Era, San Diego Disability Action Coalition, United Domestic Workers of America Local 3930

Dia del Activismo--Day of Activism

Day of Activism, Cultural Awareness and Consciusness-Rising

Thursday, Sept 17, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
San Diego City College
Chicano/a Studies Department
Room A-213
The Chicano/a Studies Department will be hosting the DAY OF ACTIVISM, CULTURAL AWARENESS AND CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING forum for campus and community-based social justice organizations to speak to our students. The goal is to build bridges between the community and campus, engage in cultural awareness, and education and consciousness-raising about social and political issues, and to sign-up students to participate in the activities of the participating organizations for class credit through the City College Service Learning Program. We would like to invite your organization to be a part of this event. Each group will have time to present a description of their organization and activities and students will be encouraged to ask questions. Together we hope to build lasting relationships and a joint commitment to social justice and community service between the Chicano/a Studies students, faculty and the participating organizations. Please RSVP to this email if you can participate and what time frame works best for you to present. We hope to have you there!


Jueves 17 de septiembre, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
San Diego City College
Chicano/a Studies Department
Salón A-213
El Departamento de Estudios Chican@s tendrá el forum “Día de Activismo, Conciencia y Cultura” dedicado a las organizaciones del colegio y la comunidad que luchan por justicia social para que platiquen con nuestros estudiantes. Queremos construir puentes entre el salón de clases y la comunidad, involucrarnos con grupos educativos y culturales que promueven cambios sociales y políticos, e invitar a los y las estudiantes a participar en las actividades de estos grupos a través del Programa de Servicio Comunitario Educativo del City College. Queremos invitar a tu organización a ser parte de este evento. Cada grupo tendrá tiempo para presentar su organización y actividades y para contestar preguntas de los estudiantes. Esperamos construir una relación perdurable y un compromiso común por justicia social entre tu organización y el Departamento de Estudios Chican@s. Por favor responde si quieres a participar y a que hora te conviene mas. Esperamos verte en el forum.

SD City College Chicano and Chicana Studies Department

No Class Cut Student Rally

Stand with students
Join Student Rally

City College
Park Blvd & A St.
Sep 9, 1 pm

No Class Cuts
No Budget Cuts

City College President Message:

I regret to report that the state budget situation continues to deteriorate, and our district has been notified that new and significant budget cuts will be or are likely to be effected. Late last week, our district was notified by the State Chancellor's Office that cuts to categorical programs (Matriculation, EOPS, DSPS, CARE, CalWORKS, etc.) will be $3.6 million higher than earlier estimated. This brings the total 2009-2010 budget cut to categorical programs districtwide to a whopping $8.7 million, representing reductions of 28-56%. At this level, our ability to offer these critical student support programs is seriously in doubt. On top of this grim news, our district has been warned that additional mid-year budget cuts of at least $2.93 million are nearly certain. Enough!

I am pleased to report, however, that the Associated Student Government organizations of our three colleges and Continuing Education have planned a student protest rally for next Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. on the steps of our Educational Technology Center (B Building) to provide an effective venue in which student voices may be heard. I am also pleased that City College will be hosting this important media event.

Terrence J. Burgess, Ph.D.
San Diego City College

Grito de Independencia

Comite de Derechos Humanos Digna Ochoa &
Somos Raza Presents/Presenta:

Food and Live Music
Comida y Musica en Vivo

When: Tuesday, Sep 15, 2009
Cuando: Martes 15 de Septiembre, 2009

Where: Chicano Park
Donde: En el Parque Chicano
Time/A Que Hora: 5:30 pm

Learn more about the Chicano Park:

Chicano Park San Diego

The Living Constitution: A Live Performance

The Living Constitution: A Live Performance

Ezekiel Cortez, Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Law
September 16, Wed
Saville Theatre
San Diego City College

Co-Sponsored by World Cultures, History & Political Science Department

World Cultures

Fandango Sept 10 @ WorldBeat Center Los Cojolites from VERACRUZ

Los Cojolites from Veracruz, Mexico. Workshops and Performances

September 10, 2009
09:00 PM - 11:30 PM

World Beat Cultural Center

World Beat Center

About Los Cojolites

Performance behind performance in Mexican stages and around the world the group Los Cojolites have transformed in one of the emblematic groups of the new Son Jarocho, a traditional musical expression of the coastal side of southern Veracruz.
The new expression of these young virtuosos is a blend ancestral harmonies with rhythmic effects that lead to original improvisations. Thus, bringing the most original and authentic music
The Cojolites It’s part of a cultural project of the Center of Documentation of the Son Jarocho in Jáltipan, Veracruz, and it’s members participate in the formation of new generations of soneros and to spread abroad their culture throughout the Son Sur Magazine;
They organize a Festival that brings together more that 20 traditional groups of “Jaraneros” of the region of southern Veracruz and musical groups from around the world since ten years ago; community events and bringing the Son Jarocho to diverse Cultural Education programs to the States in cities like Chicago, California and Cataluña Spain in among other countries in Europe and around the world. They are part of the Sonero group in the motion Picture “Frida” Oscar Winner 2003. The Cojolites has participated in the event WOMAD of England, Expo Hannover in Germany, in diverse stages in France, Canada, Cuba. In México they have performed in International events such as the Cervantino in Guanajuato, Afro-Caribbean Festival in the Port of Veracruz and the Cumbre Tajín in Papantla, Veracruz.
Some critics have said that Los Cojolites have come to open the windows to refresh and renew the Son Jarocho.

Milpa Organica

Third Saturday Potluck
Sat. September 19th
Potluck/ Music/ Movie
Pizzas from the wood fired oven
potluck at 5:30pm
Please bring an edible dish to share
(Organic food is appreciated -- consider providing a dish description -- organic, vegetarian, vegan etc.)
movie at dark: To be announced

La Milpa Organica Farm is located near I-15
5 miles north of Escondido

Diections to the farm and more info:
Milpa Organica

Children of the Desert Mountains

Children of the Desert Mountains
Chapbook Release Reading
Albuquerque, NM poet
Joe Montoya
winner of the first
raúlrsalinas Guerrilla Chapbook Poetry Contest

From Los Angeles, CA
contest runner-up
Jonathan Gomez

Local San Diego poets
Irene Castruita
Sara R. Eslava
Michael Cheno Wickert

Plus, opening music by
Esteban Cardoso

Voz Alta
1754 National Ave.
Barrio Logan, Califas 92113

September 19, 7 pm

No cover!

Free chapbook to the first 50 people through the door!

For more info email calacapress@cox.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Organized by the
Red CalacArts Collective.
Hosted by Voz Alta.

The raúlrsalinas Guerrilla Chapbook Poetry Contest is supported in part by the Ford Foundation, JP Morgan Chase and Southwest Airlines through a grant from the NALAC Fund for the Arts.