
San Diego Chicanoa New Adress

San Diego Chicanoa se ha movido. Click en el icono a la derecha para ir a la nueva dirección.

San Diego Chicanoa has moved. Click in the icon to the right to go to the new address.



What: Chicano Mexicano Prison Project's, Annual CONFERENCE ON RAZA PRISONERS AND COLONIALISM
When: This Saturday, June 19th, 2010, from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Kickback Afterwards: Join us for a Reception Fundraiser Dinner, with Music by DJ Cruiser, Pinto Art will be displayed, from 5 - 8 p.m. We are asking for a $12.00 donation. Your support will help CMPP with on going organizing efforts around the question of Raza and Prisons.

Where: The Centro Cultural de La Raza, is next to the World Beat Center, across from the Navy Hospital, on Park Blvd in Balboa Park, in San Diego, Califas.


Sisters and Brother~

The Chicano Mexicano Prison Project (CMPP), extends this special invitation to you, for our annual prison conference. Aztec danzantes will open up and welcome everyone to this years program and afterwards we will have a reception. Don't miss out on this informative educational progressive conference, we have excellent speakers presenting this year, plus we will have pinto art on display.

We look forward in seeing you this Saturday, June 19th. If you want to join, support or have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. For more info check out our web page or links provided below.

Venceremos en La Lucha!


Inside and outside prisons, Raza are catching hell from white-settler vigilantes, the various police agencies, and the so-called criminal justice system!Through brutality, fascist-racist laws (such as in Arizona), irrelevant “colonial” education, and the locking up of our youth –we see how schools, police, courts, and prisons are being utilized to destroy our capacity to unite and defend ourselves!


Saturday • June 19, 2010
San Diego, Califaztlán
11 AM to 4 PM
Centro Cultural de La Raza

Discussion Topics: Youth, Women, and Prisons • Violence Among Prisoners • Money For The Rich, Prisons For La Raza • End Prison Torture • Education, Not Incarceration •Justice & Liberation


June 5: Dia Mundial del Medio Ambiente @ Tecate, Baja California

Fundación La Puerta, A.C. a través del Centro de Educación Ambiental Las Piedras, se complace en invitarle a la Celebración del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente (DMMA), el sábado 5 de junio de 12 p.m. a 7 p. m. en el Parque del Profesor, en la ciudad de Tecate.

Fecha: 5 de Junio, 2010
Hora: 12 pm a 7 pm
Lugar: Parque del Profesor
Tecate, Baja California

Muchas Especies, Un Planeta
El Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2010 organizado por Naciones Unidas (ONU)destacará la urgencia de que todas las naciones unan sus acciones para conservar la diversidad de especies, además de establecer vínculos para encaminar acciones hacia la conservación. El propósito del DMMA es dar un rostro humano a los problemas ambientales; alentar a las personas a convertirse en agentes activos del desarrollo sostenible y equitativo; y promover la idea de que las comunidades son los pivotes de cambio de actitud sobre temas ambientales.

Consumo sostenible
Uso eficiente de recursos (agua, energía, etc.)
Transporte sustentable.
Tecnología alternativa
Manejo de residuos sólidos (orgánicos e inorgánicos)
Prevención de la contaminación (agua, suelo y aire)
Conservación / Biodiversidad.
Unamos acciones positivas desde nuestros hogares
para detener la drástica desaparición de especies.

Programa Artístico
Música, exposiciones plásticas, etc.

Habrá vendimia de comida típica mexicana

Parque del Profesor
Ubicado a pies del cerro Cuchuma, el Parque del Profesor es un centro cultural y recreativo que promueve el sentido de pertenencia entre los habitantes de Tecate. El Parque del Profesor, nombrado en honor a Edmond Szekely, es la columna vertebral de la interacción comunitaria, en donde eventos y celebraciones convocan a más de 2,000 participantes. Los días de campo, los senderos ecológicos, la caminata y los diversos eventos deportivos, tanto a nivel estatal como local, así como las celebraciones culturales y cívicas proporcionan una variedad de actividades y eventos para el deleite de los habitantes de Tecate. Los eventos en el Parque son el centro de la visión global de la Fundación La Puerta con vistas a una vida sustentable en la región de Tecate, basada en el respeto y la celebración de las comunidades humanas y naturales.

Directions al Parque del Profesor from the US:
Click the map and  read below

From the U.S. (See Map) When you cross the border, drive down to the second stop light and you´re facing the Plaza on Juarez Avenue, there you turn right, drive through town and then it becomes to be the highway towards Tijuana. You´re coming on the highway towards the Ranch Rancho La Puerta. You will see a gas station: the last and only gas station on the highway towards Tijuana. At that gas station you turn right; the name of the road is "Calle Cuchuma." Drive straight on that road for about 1 mile and immediately you can see the entrance in to the park on the right.

More info:

Go to Arizona to protest racism!--May 29

Caravan from San Diego, CA to Phoenix, AZ

Meeting at Chicano Park on May 28th at 5:00PM, departing at 5:30PM, and returning from Arizona on May 30th at 9:00AM back to San Diego.

We are making a call to ACTION!

We must do this as a community and as a nation.
We are all Arizona!
We are asking everyone who opposes SB1070 to come to Arizona and march on May 29th.
Don't let this happen here or anywhere else!

The following are ways that you can help:

Invite your friends via Facebook, or email
Print and copy the 'Alto Arizona' flyer and hand it out to people.
You can be a peace keeper at the march and ensure that everyone is safe.
You can help collect water donations to help keep thousands hydrated
You can help house an out of town organizer who wants to come to the May 29th action

If you would like to do any or all of this, and want to be a part of a historic march contact us today!

Click HERE to confirm your participation in this event.
Email: Sandra Castro
             Carlos Garcia

                    Facebook [Puente Arizona]

Where: The State Capitol, Phoenix, Arizona

What: NDLON and Puente call on all people of conscience across the country to converge on Arizona on May 29. Together we will march to Stop the Hate and demand that Obama issue an executive order nullifying SB1070. STOP THE HATE!!!

Let us show the world that we won’t stand for hateful laws and attacks on immigrants and people of color.
Background: The passage of SB 1070 by Governor Brewer sparked national outrage catalyzing a movement for immigrant rights and lending a sense of urgency to stop the hate and terrorizing of immigrants and people of color in Arizona and across the nation. Puente (a human rights movement anchored in Phoenix) and NDLON (National Day Laborers Organizing Network) is calling for all people of conscience to converge on Arizona to Stop the Hate on May 29th and demand President Obama to take action to nullify this hateful law.

Striving for True Praxis for Public Education -- May 15



The conference, which is to be held on May 15, 2010, in San Diego, CA (Lincoln High School), will consist of workshops on a multitude of areas related to education. There will also be cultural presentations, as well as tables of information and literature from dozens of organizations will be on display. The keynote speakers of the conference will be the historian and one of the founders of Chicano Studies, Rodolfo Acuña; hip-hop artist/journalist and Green Party 2008 Vice Presidential Candidate, Rosa Clemente; and survivor of the brutal military overthrow of the President Allende of Chile and today UCSD professor and social justice activist, Cecilia Ubilla.

The A.R.E. conference’s goals are not limited to just “enlightening” those attending to new ideas, but to move them to forming “core groups of teacher-activists”, who in turned will form broad “progressive associations”, which will eventually lead to a “mass movement of teachers” joining other sectors of society in a struggle for total change here in the United States and around the world.

The building of this movement, A.R.E. believes, will require that today’s schools become sites of democratic struggle and centers for social justice organizers. This will necessitate that we uphold and give legitimacy to grassroots educators and intellectuals –the workers and community leaders. These people’s leaders have a wealth of knowledge and hold in their experience many of the answers and solutions to ending the problems facing Raza communities and other minorities: poverty, violence, ignorance, drug abuse, gentrification, and environmental injustice. As Educators we know that only by learning from the experiences of the workers and the community, can we provide an education that is relevant to the lives of our students and build upon the knowledge that they bring into our classrooms.

A.R.E. calls on all educators to break out of the parameters imposed upon us by an unjust educational system. Freeing ourselves from the chains of an oppression-centered education is what the A.R.E. conferences are all about. Join on this journey towards liberation; attend this year’s A.R.E. conference.

The Art of Persistence--May 14

The Art of Persistence: An Unstoppable Dream
Fundraising Event to help pay for AB-540 students’ books and tuition

Friday May 14th
From 6 P.M to 9:30 P.M

Saville Theatre
San Diego City College
$5-10 suggested Donation

This event is sponsored by I.D.E.A.S.

I.D.E.A.S. (Individuals Dedicated to the Educational Achievement of all Students) is hosting a silent arts and crafts auction accompanied by music/dance/poetry and more! As means to help and celebrate the AB-540 student struggle. Hope to see you all there!

For more information please contact:
Sonia Franco at (619)381-8875, or

About Ideas

I.D.E.A.S. is an organization on campus that serves as a support group for AB-540 students, students who don’t get financial aid due to their immigration legal status or because they are from out of state. We believe that education is a right that should be granted to all individual regardless of their legal status. As an organization we focus on creating ways by which AB-540 students can continue the difficult task of getting an education.

Currently we are working on a fundraising event that will help pay for our books the upcoming semesters. This event will consist of a silent arts and crafts auction, music, dance, poetry and more! Since we are only asking for suggested donations at the door, and most of the funds will come from what we sell, we need to have a great amount of people who will be interested in buying the art at the event.

As educators this is what we need from you:

1. Announce the event: The Art of Persistence: An Unstoppable Dream: Friday May 14th @ The Saville Theatre, San Diego City College, from 6pm-9:30pm $5-10 suggested donation, to all your classes, families and friends who support our cause.

2. Invite people to participate: People from the group are working on the art pieces but we need more people to donate their work. Encourage your students, friends and family to donate art, jewelry, pottery, photography or anything else they think people might be willing to buy at the auction.

3. Encourage AB-540 students in your classes to get involve: Part of this event will consist of telling our stories as means to make our voices heard. There are thousands of AB-540 students in California alone but unfortunately our voices have been silent for what seems like an eternity. We wish to take this opportunity to tell people the reasons why we are here (in this country) as means of creating tolerance among those who oppose to us getting an education. Casually tell your student that if they are AB-540 students and wish to participate by telling their stories, they can attend the I.D.E.A.S. meeting on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30pm in room A-15 to get involve with the event.

4. Where to drop the Donations: Tell your students that they can take their donations directly to the group on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30pm in room A-15, or by arrangement by contacting Sonia Franko at: (619)381-8875 or at

5. Promote, Promote, Promote! There is no better way to help than by attending the event and promoting it! Please send this to everybody you know and hope to see you there!

Cinco de Mayo @ City College

Celebracion del Cinco de Mayo
Batalla de Puebla

Cinco de Mayo celebrates the victory of the historical battle of 1862 between Mexico and France. This holiday is a symbol of Mexican pride and unity and includes great festivities. This 5th of May, join in the celebration at City College!

What: Food, Music, Dancing, and Fun!
           Everyone is invited!

When: May 5, 2010
           10 am to 3 pm

Where: Gordon Quad
            (In front of the Cafeteria)
            San Diego City College

Hosted b: SDCC Spanish Club
Find us on Facebook!

Student Project & Research Symposium

6th Annual
Student Project & Research Symposium

"A Celebration of Student Excellence"

9:00 am - 2:10 pm, Thursday, May 6, 2010
Gorton Quad

2007 Student Profiles (PDF) and Testimonials (PDF)
Photo Highlights (PowerPoint): 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

This 2010 Student Project & Research Symposium (SP&RS) is open to all City College students. Participants will be given the opportunity to present their original projects and research through posters, oral presentations, spoken word, video, artistic displays and performances.

International Workers Day @ CC LaRaza--May 1st

Join The Centro Cultural de la Raza in celebrating
International Workers' Day

Doors open at 6pm
Show is from 7pm - 11pm

Art, Live Music, Spoken Word, Dance Performances, and Speakers!!!

Suggested donation at the door:
Adults $10
Students $7
But no one will be turned away for lack of funds!

Visit theCentro Cultural de la Raza @ Balboa Park

May Day - Primero de Mayo -- May 1

International Worker's Day in San Diego

Saturday - Sabado, May 1st, 2010

11am - Rally at Chicano Park
12pm (noon) - March from Chicano Park to Federal Building
1pm - Rally in front of the Federal Building (880 Front Street)


San Diego, CA — Over twenty grassroots organizations will come together on May 1st to demand the rights of working class communities in San Diego, and to denounce deportations and the separation of families.


Say NO to Arizona's racist law SB 1070!

More info: Facebook: May 1st in San Diego

FOOD INC. The movie -- April 29


The City College Diversity Committee invites you to a film and discussion on

The Academy Award Nominated Documentary

It will change your thoughts about food forever!

DATE: Thursday, April 29, 2010
TIME: 12:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Room B-202

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Movie Trailer: click the picture

Hybrid Identities @ the Border -- April 27

San Diego City College
Hybrid Identities: Artistic Voices From the Border

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
D121 a/b

Hybrid Identitities: Artistic Voices from the Border features 6 artists’ interviews, their art and music, and how their creative vision contests the negative stereotypes about Tijuana revealing it as a locus of migration, and site of creation. The documentary team will share information about how the project began, how faculty and students and the artists worked together across disciplines and borders. The audience will also be encouraged to participate in a panel led discussion following the film on issues of migration, art and the border. World Cultures and the San Diego City College Foundation sponsored the documentary.

Vigil in solidarity with the people of Arizona--April 26


Vigil in solidarity with the people of Arizona
Monday, April 26, 2010, 6:00 pm.
San Diego Federal Building
880 Front Street, San Diego CA 92101
Downtown San Diego

Press Release



San Diego, CA - On Monday April 26, 2010, community organizations from throughout San Diego will come together for a vigil in solidarity with the people of Arizona, and unite their voices with those who reject the recently signed Arizona state law SB 1070. This vigil is being convened at the Federal Building in Downtown San Diego with a call by the Raza Rights Coalition and its member collectives in order to reject the approval of a law that has been clearly designed to criminalize and punish the working people of Arizona.

"It is truly sad to witness the lack of political will on the part of the Obama administration in the effort to move on immigration reform, a reality that has motivated the extreme right wing in state of Arizona to promote and legalize the violation of civil and human rights," stated Adriana Jasso, coordinator of the Raza Rights Coalition in San Diego. Communities around the country, and most recently in Arizona, have been witness to how the Obama administration has provided operational funds to policies which have terrible consequences such as family separation. The most recent operation in the state of Arizona was the largest in the history of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) - an operation that mobilized over 800 agents in four different locations across the state. This operation is clearly part of the strategy of the Obama administration, which continues to concentrate all of its efforts on raids, arrests and deportations.

"Every community across the country must speak out, mobilize and reject SB 1070 which was just been signed into law by the governor of Arizona. It is time to be a part of history, and in an organized fashion, resist these terrible attacks that our communities face on a daily basis..." concludes Adriana Jasso. The empty promises of change and total lack of political will from politicians at the federal level can not, and must not be the source of our communities sinking further into fear and the marginalization. The initiative for profound and definitive change must originate from our communities that suffer daily the consequences of these repressive policies. Furthermore, it should be noted that these policies have been promoted by both Democrats and Republicans.



San Diego, CA - El día lunes, 26 de abril de 2010 en un acto de solidaridad con el pueblo de Arizona y en denuncia a la nueva ley estatal SB 1070, organizaciones comunitarias en San Diego llevarán a cabo una vigilia en el edificio federal localizado en el centro de San Diego. La Coalición Pro Derechos de la Raza, sus colectivos y la comunidad en general unen su voz para repudiar la aprobación de una ley que claramente ha sido diseñada para castigar y criminalizar al pueblo trabajador de Arizona.

"Es verdaderamente lamentable ver como la falta de voluntad política por parte de la administración de Obama hacia la reforma migratoria ha provocado que la extrema derecha en el estado de Arizona promuevan y legalicen la violación a los derechos civiles y humanos" afirmó Adriana Jasso, coordinadora de la Coalición Pro Derechos de la Raza en San Diego. Comunidades en varias partes del país y curiosamente recientemente en Arizona, han sido testigos de cómo la administración de Obama se ha enfocado en otorgar fondos a operativos los cuales tienen lamentables resultados como la separación familiar. El operativo mas reciente en el estado de Arizona fue el operativo mas grande en la historia de la agencia de ICE que empleó a más de 800 efectivos en cuatro diferentes puntos del estado. Este operativo forma parte de la estrategia de la administración de Obama que continua enfocando todo su esfuerzo en operativos, detenciones y deportaciones.

"Toda comunidad en cada rincón del país debe alzar su voz, movilizarse y denunciar la ley SB 1070 que acaba de ser firmada por la gobernadora de Arizona, llegó el momento de ser parte de la historia y resistir de forma organizada los ataques que nuestras comunidades enfrentan" concluye Adriana Jasso. El vacío y la falta de voluntad política para remediar la cuestión migratoria que les falta a los políticos no puede, ni debe ser la causa por la que nuestras comunidades se hundan en el miedo y las sombras. La iniciativa de cambios profundos y definitivos deberá desprenderse de las comunidades que día a día sufren las consecuencias de la política represiva que tanto demócratas como republicanos promueven.

Vigilia de solidaridad con el pueblo de Arizona
lunes, 26 de abril de 2010, 6 PM, en:
Edificio Federal, 880 Front Street, San Diego CA 92101
(Centro de San Diego)


Adriana Jasso
Coordinator, Raza Rights Coalition

Movie "Sin Nombre" -- Apr 22


Movie: Sin Nombre

When: Thursday April 22, 2010, 4:00 pm
Where: Room D121A,
San Diego City College

Student Academy Award winner Cary Joji Fukunaga makes his feature directorial debut with this epic dramatic thriller following a Honduran teenager who reunites with her long-estranged father and attempts to emigrate to America with him in order to realize her dream of a life in the U.S. . Moving to Mexico is the first step in a fateful journey of unexpected events. . Inspired by the director's firsthand experience with Central American immigrants, Sin Nombre opens to find dejected teenager biding her time in Honduras while dreaming of a brighter future.

! Candy will be available for donations !

Fundraising event to help pay for AB-540 students books and tuition

Movie trailer: click here

NAFTA from above -- Apr 23

The Trans-Border Institute and Ahlers Center present:

Beyond NAFTA: U.S. & Mexico Moving Forward
Friday, April 23rd
4:00-6:00pm program; reception to follow
Joan B. Kroc Theatre
University of San Diego

Free and open to the public. Space limited

As the U.S. and Mexico move beyond the first 15 years of NAFTA, new paradigms for business and political reforms for trade and commerce need to take place. Come and co-design these with a joint U.S.-Mexican perspective:

New business opportunities
Sustainable, equitable wealth creation in and beyond the NAFTA region
New managerial talent and leadership styles to succeed in NAFTA
Opportunities to further synergize strengths, resources and vision to increase competitiveness within the region and beyond

Herminio Blanco Mendoza, Ph.D., former Mexico Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Development; Chief Negotiator for NAFTA
Andres Garza Herrera, President CAINTRA (Chamber of Industry for Nuevo Leon, MX), one of Mexico’s most prestigious and influential trade organizations (and former USD student)
Kevin P. Gallagher, Ph.D., Renowned NAFTA researcher and Assoc. Professor of International Relations, Boston University
Barbara J. Wight, CFO Taylor Guitars, and formerly with T-Systems International and John Deere Water Technologies Division, with extensive experience in international manufacturing and distribution

Partnering organizations include: SDRCC Mexico Business Center, World Trade Center San Diego, USDMEX UCSD School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies and the Institute of the Americas.


Trans-Border Institute
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 260-4090 phone
(619) 260-4161 fax

Chicano Park Day -- April 24

Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 10am-5pm

The 40tth Annual Chicano Park Day to be held on Saturday, April 24, 2010, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, in historic Chicano Park, located in the Barrio Logan community, south of downtown San Diego. This family event is free and open to the public.

Established by Chicano activists on April 22, 1970, Chicano Park has received international recognition as a major public art site for its commanding mural paintings of the past and present struggle of Mexican and Chicano history.

Visitors to Chicano Park Day will experience traditional music and dance, including one of the most beautiful performances of Aztec Indigenous dance, coordinated by Toltecas en Aztlán. Other dance groups as well as musical acts and speakers are featured on two stages.

In addition, there will be a display of classic low rider cars presented by Amigos Car Club and children’s art workshop led by muralist Victor Ochoa. Food, arts and crafts vendors will be selling their specialties throughout Chicano Park, as well as informational booths.

This family celebration is free and open to the public.

Chicano Park is located off Interstate 5 --Cesar Chavez Parkway exit-- under the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge.

Click Here To See A Slideshow from the 2006 Chicano Park Day

For further information, call (619) 563-4661 or Email:

Click Here to download the 2009 Chicano Park Day poster

Food and Justice April 24 + 25

Cultivationg Food for Justice Conference

More information:

Triple Fence Tour-Apr 25, 9:30 am

Field Trip
Triple Fence Tour
The Border and the Friendship Park

Sunday April 25
9:30 am -12:00 pm

Meeting point:
El Mango Manila
2036 Dairy Mart Road
San Ysidro, CA 92173

Bring water and some food)

More information: Dan Watman,, 619.954.9710 or Enrique Davalos (619) 388-3634,

Sponsored by:
Friends of Friendship Park

CAFÉ-Creating Alternatives and Fair Enterprise

Border Language Meeting Apr 25, 12 pm

Tu’un Savi/español/English Language Cultural Exchange
And Indigenous Textile Display

Sun April 25th 12-2pm Border Field State Park and Playas de Tijuana inside Friendship Circle

Learn/practice a foreign language and culture!
Make Friends on both sides of the border!
Cloths created by a Mixtec women’s sewing cooperative will be on display!
You’ll have Chance to learn/help with all three languages!

We’ll introduce new vocabulary in each language and then do a fun interactive activity in the language

Please consider buying clothing and/or making a donation of cloth material or thread to the cooperative.

For more details on how the event will work contact: Dan Watman,, 619.954.9710 or David Schmidt

Chicano Park Field Trip -- April 21

Chicano Park
Field Trip

April 21, Wednesday
12:30 - 2 pm

NOTE: If Tlaloc, Mexica Divinity of Rain, decides to pour his divine water on the Chicano Park, our field trip will be postponed.

Meeting place: Chicano Park Kiosk

Learn about the Chicano Park:

You can arrive to Chicano Park from City College by trolley or 5 mins. driving.
Address and directions to Chicano Park:

Palestine Teach In

Students for Justice in Palestine

Wednesday April 7th
12:55-2:00 pm
San Diego City College
Room D121a/b

Students for Justice in Palestine at SDSU is a diverse group of students, faculty, staff, and community members, organized in accordance with democratic principles to promote justice, human rights, liberation, and self-determination for the Palestinian people.

“The most significant acts to undermine a peaceful settlement are the daily US-backed actions in the occupied territories, all recognized to be criminal: taking over valuable land and resources and constructing what the leading architect of the plan, Ariel Sharon, called "Bantustans" for Palestinians -- an unfair comparison because the Bantustans were far more viable than the fragments left to Palestinians under Sharon's conception, now being realized.”

“Not far from here, in a place called Gaza, in Palestine, in the Middle East, right here next to us, the Israeli government's heavily trained and armed military continues its march of death and destruction.

“The steps it has taken are those of a classic military war of conquest: first an intense mass bombing in order to destroy "strategic" military points (that's how the military manuals put it) and to "soften" the resistance's reinforcements; next a fierce control over information: everything that is heard and seen "in the outside world," that is, outside the theater of operations, must be selected with military criteria; now intense artillery fire against the enemy infantry to protect the advance of troop to new positions; then there will be a siege to weaken the enemy garrison; then the assault that conquers the position and annihilates the enemy, then the "cleaning out" of the probable "nests of resistance."

Sponsored by City College World Cultures Program and Chicana/Chicano Studies Department

For more information about this event, please contact Enrique Davalos
San Diego City College Chicana and Chicano Studies
(619) 388-3634

Film Dos Americas--April 15

Documentary: Dos Americas

The Reconstruction of New Orleans

Thursday April 15, 3 pm, Room D 121A

Mother Earth Day @ CC La Raza--April 18

Mixtec Mole Workshop--Apr 17

Familia Indigena Unida
Invites you to join us and learn how to make
“Ndiayi” “Mole”
& hand made
Tortillas “Xita”
from the Mixtec Region of Oaxaca

When: Saturday, April 17, 9am – 1pm
Sunday April 18, 9am-4pm

Where: Access
2612 Daniel Ave.
San Diego, CA 92111

The word mole, comes from the Nahuatl word molli, which refers to a type of salsa with spicy peppers. Oaxaca has the reputation as Mexico's best state for mole. It is a tasty sauce usually poured over chicken and served with either tortillas and rice.

Once we are done cooking we will all savor this wonderful dish!!!

To Sign up: send an email to Daniela at