
Dia del Activism > Day of Activism Feb 10

Día de Activismo, Conciencia y Cultura
Day of Activism, Cultural Awareness and Consciousness-Raising

Wednesday, Feb 10, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
San Diego City College
Chicano/a Studies Department
Room A-213

The Chicana/o Studies Department will be hosting the DAY OF ACTIVISM, CULTURAL AWARENESS AND CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING forum for campus and community-based social justice organizations to speak to our students. The goal is to build bridges between the community and campus, engage in cultural awareness, and education and consciousness-raising about social and political issues, and to sign-up students to participate in the activities of the participating organizations for class credit through the City College Service Learning Program. We would like to invite your organization to be a part of this event. Each group will have 10 minutes to present a description of their organization and activities and students will be encouraged to ask questions. Together we hope to build lasting relationships and a joint commitment to social justice and community service between the Chicana/o Studies students, faculty and the participating organizations. Please RSVP to this email if you can participate and what time frame works best for you to present. We hope to have you there!

Día de Activismo, Conciencia y Cultura

Miércoles 10 de febrero, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
San Diego City College
Departamento de Estudios Chicanos y Chicanas
Salón A-213

El Departamento de Estudios Chican@s tendrá el forum “Día de Activismo, Conciencia y Cultura” dedicado a las organizaciones del colegio y la comunidad que luchan por justicia social para que platiquen con nuestros estudiantes. Queremos construir puentes entre el salón de clases y la comunidad, involucrarnos con grupos educativos y culturales que promueven cambios sociales y políticos, e invitar a los y las estudiantes a participar en las actividades de estos grupos a través del Programa de Servicio Comunitario Educativo del City College. Queremos invitar a tu organización a ser parte de este evento. Cada grupo tendrá 10 minutos para presentar su organización y actividades y para contestar preguntas de los estudiantes. Esperamos construir una relación perdurable y un compromiso común por justicia social entre tu organización y el Departamento de Estudios Chican@s. Por favor responde si quieres a participar y a que hora te conviene mas. Esperamos verte en el forum.

SD City College Chicana/o Studies Department

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