
The Last Signs of Summer Oct 24

Making friends across the Border through the Power of Sign Language

Saturday Oct 24th at 1pm– At Playas de Tijuana and Border Field State Park
(Can also meet at 12p at El Mango Manilla Smoothie shop and go together!)

“A place where sign language shines through to breach the literal gap and bridge the societal/cultural divides in getting to know someone new!

If you are Deaf if you are not deaf, whether you can sign or not, ALL ARE WELCOME!
Learn how to spell your name in Sign language or introduce some to Sign by teaching them theirs!!
Signers and non-signers pair up to communicate with friends across the border!!
Interpreters on site!!
Have fun at our last Signing Through event of the year!
Socialize on the beach while there are still “signs” of summer!

Go to Border Encuentro

Or call Dan Watman at 619.954.9710
for more details

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