
LGBT Civil Rights = Civil Rights for All

Jan 20, 5 pm
Federal Buildg.
800 Front St

January 20th is the anniversary of President Obama's first year in office and we plan to hold a demonstration and rally here in San Diego outside the federal building. This demonstration is one of our many efforts at getting our issues and concerns addressed. We expect our elected officials to fully represent all of the people and all of our issues. And we intend to let them know that the LGBT community is paying attention.

S.A.M.E. is rallying at the federal building to demand Equal Rights for all LGBT Americans. We will not be forgotten by our Legislators and the 'Yes, We can' administration during the next 3 years!

Please join S.A.M.E. downtown in protesting the lack of action taken by our government representatives about EQUALITY, we demand the repeal of Prop H8, DOMA, DADT - NOW!!!

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