
Striving for True Praxis for Public Education -- May 15



The conference, which is to be held on May 15, 2010, in San Diego, CA (Lincoln High School), will consist of workshops on a multitude of areas related to education. There will also be cultural presentations, as well as tables of information and literature from dozens of organizations will be on display. The keynote speakers of the conference will be the historian and one of the founders of Chicano Studies, Rodolfo Acuña; hip-hop artist/journalist and Green Party 2008 Vice Presidential Candidate, Rosa Clemente; and survivor of the brutal military overthrow of the President Allende of Chile and today UCSD professor and social justice activist, Cecilia Ubilla.

The A.R.E. conference’s goals are not limited to just “enlightening” those attending to new ideas, but to move them to forming “core groups of teacher-activists”, who in turned will form broad “progressive associations”, which will eventually lead to a “mass movement of teachers” joining other sectors of society in a struggle for total change here in the United States and around the world.

The building of this movement, A.R.E. believes, will require that today’s schools become sites of democratic struggle and centers for social justice organizers. This will necessitate that we uphold and give legitimacy to grassroots educators and intellectuals –the workers and community leaders. These people’s leaders have a wealth of knowledge and hold in their experience many of the answers and solutions to ending the problems facing Raza communities and other minorities: poverty, violence, ignorance, drug abuse, gentrification, and environmental injustice. As Educators we know that only by learning from the experiences of the workers and the community, can we provide an education that is relevant to the lives of our students and build upon the knowledge that they bring into our classrooms.

A.R.E. calls on all educators to break out of the parameters imposed upon us by an unjust educational system. Freeing ourselves from the chains of an oppression-centered education is what the A.R.E. conferences are all about. Join on this journey towards liberation; attend this year’s A.R.E. conference.

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